After years of development, Family Academy Online now offers a full online program for homeschooling families. Our broad range of courses allows us to meet the needs of individual students. In addition, for the last two years students can concentrate on different strands: college prep, entrepreneurship, retail, home management. Students can be fully enrolled (transcripts, graduation requirements etc.) or enroll in one class.
In this part, I want to give you a list of the courses offered in the Electives category.
CPR / FIRST AID Take an online class and earn credit! Be prepared. This is a Washington state high school requirement. T.M. Goddard-Elliott Outside course completion
CULINARY ARTS Learn the basics of cooking and kitchen safety. Student will make a cookbook. Partial English credit. T.M. Goddard-Elliott One semester course
ENTREPRENEURSHIP Learn the basics of running a business and what it includes. T.M. Goddard-Elliott One semester course
FIRE OR POLICE SERVICES - EXPLORER If your student is in the Fire or Police Services, they can earn science credit or elective credit. T.M. Goddard-Elliott One semester course
LIFE SKILLS Damon has published a new self-paced one semester course to get students ready for the real world. Daman Evans One semester course
MISCELLANEOUS COURSES If you do anything outside of your home like Youth Group (Bible based); volunteerism; acting; paramedic classes etc. You can earn elective credits if you have completed core subjects. Work with a teacher consultant today!
More courses in development!
For more information: Family Academy Online - Family Academy