Ready for part 11 of Gleanings from Learning in Spite of Labels?
Joyce Herzog shares many years of experience in her book and other products on this website:
Chapters in Section Four – And Furthermore
o Learning Styles (previous blog)
o The Law (previous blog)
o Learning Problems in History (previous blog)
o History Repeated (previous blog)
o Attention Deficit Disorder (this blog)
o Vision Skills and Therapy (this blog)
o Speech and Language Development (future blog)
o Individualized Education Plan (IEP) (future blog)
o Depression: Causes and Cures (future blog)
“Basically, a child with learning disabilities is one who in spite of a normal or high IQ and adequate effort and learning opportunity, has not achieved up to expectations in one or more areas of academic achievement.” (p. 22)
And Furthermore - Just a sampling of Joyce’s Information:
Attention Deficit Disorder – ADD, ADHD – Much confusion – general definition: “excess energy, impulsivity and inattention” Herzog observes that once it was identified or defined, “it mushroomed almost as fast as the first atomic bomb.” (p. 150) Reasons she gives for this “explosion”:
§ More problems before because of changes in our society including increased screen time, changes in diet, lack of discipline, (p. 150 – 151)
§ Indiscriminate use of labels (p. 151)
§ Inconsistent and / or ineffective use of programs (p. 151)
Things You Can Do to Help Your Child (Joyce gives us 16 suggestions – here are a few): Love and enjoy your child, provide consistent discipline, give warnings for transitions, don’t overload senses or require sitting still to listen, and make sure he has at least one good friend outside the family. (p. 152-158)
Further, help for listening and slowing down (p. 158-160)
Vision Skills Development –
To identify a visual perception or processing problem ask the questions Herzog provides in this chapter. Here are a few: learning materials too close or at an angle, tilt head or body, loses place in reading, complains that words jump around or disappear, daydreams? (p. 164)
Help him to develop good habits including proper lighting, frequent visual breaks, or use a slant board. (p. 165)
Behavioral optometrists specialize in children’s vision problems. (p. 165)
We will continue gathering gleanings from Joyce Herzog’s book as I continue my read. Remember I am only sharing selected gleanings. I recommend that you purchase this book for more detailed information.