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How Does the Brain Affect Our Lives? (Part 22)

A Book Review: Younger Brains, Sharper Minds by Eric R. Braverman, M.D.

by Maggie Dail, M.A., Learning Specialist

We have finally arrived at Braverman’s final chapter and recommendations:

Chapter 14- The Daily Smarts

Once you have followed the six steps, Braverman recommends the Daily Smarts:

Stimulate brain and body with daily exercise

Monitor diet and mood by keeping a journal

Actively engage in life to stay mentally fit

Read something every day to increase intelligence

Take your medication, nutrients, and hormone therapies as prescribed.

Sleep to restore and reset your brain. P. 253

I recommend that you purchase this book to get the many specifics that I left out including the Braverman Brain Advantage Test.

What parts of this book have you found helpful?


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