In our world of massive visual stimuli, weak auditory processing skills comprise a major contributing factor to learning difficulties. With only a few minutes a day, children can develop these skills with enjoyable online activities.
Since 2013, Family Academy Online has offered Scientific Learning’s (now Carnegie Learning) Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant Plus to our families. These online programs develop and strengthen memory, attention, processing rate and sequencing – the cognitive skills essential for reading. By strengthening these skills, students see a wide range of improved critical language and reading skills such as phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, decoding, working memory, syntax, grammar, and other skills necessary to learn how to read or to become a better reader. In short, they accelerate learning and boost reading. Over 250 studies ( indicate that learners achieve gains of 1-2 years in as little as 8-12 weeks and maintain an accelerated rate of learning even after the program ends because it is designed to retrain the brain to learn more effectively and efficiently. FFWD is a learning accelerator! Some studies have even measured excellent results in math and other areas of curriculum. We are happy to answer your questions about the program. Also available, Bookshop Phonics either as a part of MySciLearn's online programs (Fast ForWord / Reading Assistant Plus) or separately. We offer Bookshop Phonics as a virtual consultation and downloadable curriculum on a monthly basis for grades K-2 and for older children who struggle with reading.
We offer a FREE 30-Minute Consultation via Zoom to answer your questions and to help you choose the right program(s) for your children. Contact Maggie at